Wednesday, December 2, 2015


               A parent is defined as a caretaker of the offspring in their own species by learning and growing with them by responding and recognizing their needs. As a parent better understand their child, they become to better understand themselves. The role of parent is so vital because we are than taking on the role of Mother or Father which comes with a great responsibility. We become to understand the true plan of happiness as we progress in this new of phase in our lives. God trusts us to love his children and to help guide them so that they can one day be worthy to live in his presence again. In that right there, comes the GREAT RESPONSIBILITY.
             Children respond to Love and to contact. When a parent shows interest in their child through a loving voice and a great big hug the child than gains a trust for that parent. They begin to rely on them for help. They know where to turn to and they know who to trust. this is so important in a child's life because they need that attention and they need that acceptance from someone. A parent is to help the child to survive and thrive. They have the best interest at heart for the child and they do so willingly. The gospel gives us opportunities to learn and to better our parenting. It allows us the opportunity to understand and apply the teachings from the prophets into our lives. The blessings of parenting are unimaginable.  

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