Tuesday, December 8, 2015


In the world we live in today this is a very sore subject that has become very common. A lot of times we overlook the positives as we seem to judge harshly on those that have divorced. Divorce many times takes place because of the misuse of agency. Men and Women come together in marriage with this fantasy idea that everything will be as a fairytale. They shortly realize that it is hard work and it takes practice to get good at it. In some instances people give up trying and they get divorced because it can be considered the "easy way out". Before the legal divorce becomes approved and finalized it is very common to have already emotionally checked our and divorced in that way. It causes families to split and it can become a great stressor (something that brings you stress) in your life. The studies show that many times it is the women that choose to divorce rather than the men. The men are most likely to call for professional help as the wife pretends it doesn't exist until she cant handle it anymore. Of course it is not like this in every case but it is becoming more commonly seen. Many times the women that divorce never get remarried as the men do. This was a crazy stat for me yet I understand because I see that women tend to stay home more with the kids and they seem to have more of an emotional attachment than men do. Again, it is not like this in all instances yet it is just the most common. Divorce isn't always the best choice, yet everyone's situations are different and we, as God's children, are not here to judge. God always gives us more than one opportunity to feel happiness. I know that he loves all of his children and whether we choose to end with divorce or push forward through the hard times, God will be there giving us strength

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