Tuesday, November 24, 2015


                                                            Duel Income No Kids
With out Children....    
        Savings without debt
        more emergency
        avoid boredom
        afford nicer living circumstances

        less quality time together
        Double transportation
        Other priorities

With Children.....
         More emergency money
         More satisfaction
         Role Confusion
         Child care
         less influence over our children
         Emotional attachments will suffer
         Fail to convey value of the family
         More independence
As shown above there are many positives and negatives that follow a duel income household. I came from a family that had two parents working. I would have to say that I saw many things that functioned very nicely yet others that didn't. I am also the oldest of five kids and I felt a huge burden about my shoulders as I took on a very important role as older sister. Not only does money affect things within the marriage but it can change a family. Many say there are more benefits to having one parent at home as the other worked. In my own experiences I saw that our choices and our agency on how we choose to act upon our circumstances alters the outcome. For example, having two parents working as I grew up, worked our great. I saw unity happen because we learned to cherish the time we had together.

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