Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dating... Are you ready for Marriage????

Before my mission I found myself dating a lot of good guys that all had goals and had their minds set in where they wanted to go with their lives. I found myself falling in love, not being interested in a guy, and or even not knowing what I really want with a guy. Dating is not easy! Before the mission it was noncommittal, no pressure what so ever, and no interest to find "THE ONE". Now having returned from the mission there is so much pressure. Dating has become something TOTALLY different. It is no longer something that is "just for fun". I mean it could be but it seems like it is life or death at this point. I am 22 years old and everyone has these super high expectations for me getting married within this year. It scares me but understanding the true meaning of God's plan for us, allows us peace in our lives. I know that God has a plan and his plan is perfect. He wants us to choose yet he will guide us in the right directions so that we don't regret our decisions. He trusts us and he wants us to be to happy and for that we follow him and his council. A marriage is a sacred promise that we make to our Heavenly Father that allow us the blessings of the heavens. We call that a covenant and as we become closer with God we become closer with our spouse. Within the bounds of a happy eternal marriage comes the gospel and its teachings. Faith in Christ increases our ability to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Ghost. He will help lead us to our own happily ever afters. There I find my inter peace and there I find my Savior's love cradling me from the craziness of this world.        

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